
So, maybe Jillian doesn't hate me...

Yesterday was day two of the 3o Day Shred. I went to the gym and did some time on the elliptical and treadmill first. Once I got home, I was definitely feeling the combination of that and the Shred from the day before, so I was really tempted to skip the DVD, but I still did it. Surprisingly, it wasn't nearly as terrible to get through as I was expecting! I don't feel too sore this morning, but then again, I didn't yesterday morning either. It was as the day progressed that it slowly set in, so I'm somewhat dreading to find out how today goes. Is it too soon to think that it's already making a difference? The scale doesn't show it, but I think I can feel it...yet, I think it's probably all in my head at this point! Two days is better than no days, but realistically, probably not enough to make any sort of significant difference. It is enough though to make me want to keep going!!!


Jillian Michaels hates me.

I think Jillian Michaels hates me. I've started the 30 Day Shred a couple times in the past and usually quit after a few days. With my upcoming cruise (one month from TODAY, I'll be in TAMPA!!!), I decided this time I'm going to start and stick with it. Yesterday was day one. It is ridiculously intense. I think I'm in decent shape, but the woman kicks my butt! I am not as sore as in previous times I've started it, but I can definitely feel the workout.

That's the thing though, is that because I can feel it, I know it's working. If I work out and never feel the consequences of it the next day, I'm probably not pushing myself as hard as I could. I have heard over and over that if I stick with the Shred for the whole 30 days, it really does work. So, maybe it's not so much that Jillian Michaels hates me...but, in reality the woman knows her stuff and can get me moving towards the direction of the results I want.

I'm somewhat dreading day two. Scratch somewhat. I'm completely dreading day two. I am, however, completely stoked about day thirty and that finish line is going to be the thing that motivates me. I hope.



I know that for the most part, celebrities give "normal" people like me unrealistic expectations about what beauty is. Still, there is this part of me that sees these gorgeous women in Hollywood with great figures and I want that! I know, I know, magazines are Photoshoped to death, I get that. And, I know they spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on trainers and chefs, the whole ordeal. Yet, there is still this part of me that holds certain celebrities up as a "this is what I want to be" ideal. For me, the biggest is Carrie Underwood. Some papparazzi shots of Carrie on vacation in the Bahamas surfaced probably a month or so ago, and I will be the first to admit that I bookmarked some of them as motivation for when I really want to stroll down to the vending machines for a gooey Snickers bar. I mean, look at the girl! She looks fantastic!

The thing that I really respect about Carrie is she's very open about how she lost weight and got in shape. She keeps a food diary and watches what she eats, she works out. I realize that there could be more to the story she's not telling, but my naive side believes she truly got in shape in a healthy, reasonable way. Knowing that gives me hope that I can someday reach my goal weight.

So, a healthy ideal or not, I definitely use celebrities as a motivator.

Slacker? Guilty as charged.

Well. To say I've been slacking off on the whole weight loss thing has been an understatement. It has been quite the month, December has. Started off with my grandpa passing away very unexpectedly on the 4th. Things kind of snowballed from there with the funeral, wrapping up my LAST semester of grad school, then the holidays. Excuses, no doubt, but it all got the best of me.

But, today I'm back on track. I'm leaving for a cruise one month from tomorrow, so I'm planning on hitting the gym in a mini-Biggest Loser style for the next four weeks. I (sort of) wish I had time to spend six hours a day working out but truth is, the real world calls.

So, let's give this another go-around. As of this morning, I've got 34.5 pounds to go before I reach my goal...but, let's go with 35...then, I'd even end up below goal! As much as I hate setting timelines, I'm hoping to be there by this time next year, if not before. I accomplished a lot in my life in 2009 - got my first "real" job, finished my masters. So, I'm ready to make 2010 the year I finally make goal! It's a journey that started in 2006 and I am ready to cross the finish line!

grace + peace,



So yesterday's trip to the Y was an utter disappointment. The run was fine, it was everything else about the trip that was a disaster! First, I'm walking in and the heel of my favorite pair of dress shoes gets caught in the crack of the sidewalk; when I pull it out, completely trashes it. Sad. Then, I get inside and I get changed, realizing I don't have any socks. Since yesterday's training for the race was only 18 minutes, I make the decision to run anyways. Bad idea. I completely rubbed the back of my ankles raw. Then, walking back to my car, I was inches away from getting hit by someone leaving the parking lot.

But, yes, the workout itself was great. Yesterday was interval training: 1 minute walk, 1 minute run. I kept the walking pace consistent at 4.1, but increased the running by 0.1 every time, starting at 6.0. For the last running interval, I bumped it up to 7.5! I was initially discouraged by the girl on the treadmill next to me doing between 9.0 and 10.0, but reminded myself we all go at our own pace and that is completely okay! The fact that I'm even considering a 25K run is beyond what I ever thought I could do!

grace + peace,


And so it begins...

Today was the first official day of training for the River Bank Run. I can successfully run one mile! Yes! This was actually the first time in quite awhile that I pushed myself that much while running, so I was quite proud of myself! Only 14.5 more to add to that 1! The race is May 8, 2010 so I have quite a bit of time.

On another positive note, I weighed in this morning for the first time since the week before Thanksgiving and was pleasantly surprised! Two big dinners and I managed to actually lose a pound! Hooray! I was anticipating a very unfriendly number this morning, so that was really encouraging.

I fly out for my Caribbean cruise two months from today!!! I am really excited! My goal for the cruise is to be back in the 140s, which would be a 15 pound loss. (Well, I'd really love to reach my goal weight of 133, but I don't think that will happen!) I think it'll be tough to make goal with Christmas, but I am going to work hard!!

I am off to relax in these dwindling hours of a wonderful four day weekend! It went so fast!

grace + peace,


Thanksgiving, round two.

Today was my second Thanksgiving dinner, this time with my mom's side of the family. I know I did not eat as much as I used to which is great, but my stomach is not used to that much food! Ugh, I think I have a food baby. I arrived back home tonight after being at my mom's since Wednesday night. I am anxious to get back to a normal routine...I love going home to my family, but it always throws me off. Tomorrow, I'm going to stock up on lots of healthy food and officially start my training for the 25K!

grace + peace,



Happy Thanksgiving (a day late!). This year, I am thankful for so much. I got my first "real" job, I've got a great apartment with my best friend, a happy and healthy family. I am feeling very blessed.

For the most part, Thanksgiving is a fairly easy holiday for me, food-wise. I'm not a huge fan of most the traditional foods...except when it comes to dessert. I love me some pumpkin pie! Yesterday, we had pumpkin pie AND carrot cake - two favorites! I had a small slice of both. Perhaps not the best choice when it comes to weight loss, but I made sure to make really smart choices the rest of the day.

Sunday starts the official training for the River Bank Run...five and a half months of running almost every day. So for today and tomorrow, I am enjoying relaxation and being lazy. Well, sort of. I have papers to write for my grad classes; physical relaxation, yes, but mentally, not so much.

What are you thankful for this year?


Sports + dieting are a bad combo

Well, this weekend was filled with sporting events...not so diet friendly sporting events. I started out by going to a minor league hockey game Friday night where it was $1 beer and hot dog night. Great for the wallet, not so great for the waistline. A big group of us went out to celebrate a friend's birthday. Our team won! Yeah! Saturday, I had the opportunity to sit in the alumni suite for my alma mater's second round playoff football game. Let me tell you, suites are definitely the way to watch a game on a chilly afternoon! So, not such a great weekend to be on Weight Watchers, but it was definitely a fun one!

Tomorrow, it's back to the world of counting points...

grace + peace,


I'm a runner?

So, growing up I was always had the mentality that I only ran if I was being chased. I was NOT in any way, shape, or form a runner. One day I got it in my head that I wanted to run a 5K. I have no idea what possessed me to do this. I started training and at first it was beyond challenging. My first 5K came and my only goal was just to make it across the finish line. I was so proud of myself when I did it and in about 33 minutes! For a self-proclaimed non-runner, I was so excited for that time. Sure, there were people that finished in 17 minutes, but that didn't matter.

So, I caught the running bug. I slowly started not just suffering through it, but even starting to enjoy it. This year, a bunch of different factors kept me away from my running shoes. I injured my foot, I started a new job, and right now I'm working full time and taking three grad classes to finish up my MPA. To say that I'm busy is an understatement. I used that as a pathetic excuse.

Tuesday, I made my first trip back to the Y in well over a month. It was rough. And, frustrating! I went from running 2-3 miles consistently to suffering through half a mile. I know that I'll build up again, but it's the process that just sucks.

Tomorrow, the training guide for the River Bank Run comes out. There's a 5K and a 10K, but for 2010, I'm setting my goals high: the daunting 25K. That's 15.5 miles! Ridiculous. It intimidates me to no end, but I want to try. The 5K in 2008 was my first ever 5K and as I watched all the 25K'ers pick up their metals at the end, I was so envious. All I got was a tiny pin! This time, I want the metal.

grace + peace,


Day one(ish)

Well, I have been on the WW journey for over three years and I keep getting stuck around the same weight. After reading through the blogs of some other friends on the 20 year olds board, I decided to start my own. Perhaps this extra accountability will keep me in check and help me reach my goal weight.

I started the plan in September of 2006 at my all time high of 233. For almost two years, I lost fairly consistently. Then, in the summer of 2008, I moved to California for three months to work at a conference center. Buffet style dining for three meals a day = bad news for WW. I ended up gaining around 15 or so pounds. Once I returned home, I slowly managed to lose that weight and more. In March 2009, I reached my lowest point of 148 and I was thrilled. But, over the course of the summer, I yet again gained and this time, it was 20 pounds. BAH! I've lost a bit of that, but still have a way to go. I'd love to lose about 30 more to reach a total of 100 pounds lost. That would be such an accomplishment.

So, here I am again, ready to make this happen. I would love to be at my goal by June 2010. Keep me accountable, won't you?

grace + peace,